Trail Rules
- Posted On November 04, 2022
- By Chris Ziegler
- In Featured
As a walker or jogger, have you ever been frightened or startled by a bicyclist on the trail? As a bicyclist, have you ever worried about what that trail user up ahead is going to do or if there will be space on the trail for you to get by? Every one can better enjoy the trail if each of us knows what is expected of ourselves and the other guy on the trail. Here are some basic “rules of the trail” which if followed can increase the safety and pleasure of all trail users.
Walkers, joggers, and riders – All trail users should use the right side of the trail to allow oncoming users and those coming up from behind to pass on your left, just like the rule of the road for automobiles.
Walker and joggers – If you walk or jog side by side with a friend or child, please leave enough of the trail surface open for others to pass you on your left.
Riders – Bicycle riders should ride single file on the right side of the trail. Speed limit is 15mph.
Passing from behind – Bicycle riders should pass walkers, joggers, and slower riders on the left when the trail is clear of oncoming trail users. Passing bicycle riders should announce their presence and intent to pass with “passing on your left” or similar phrase.
Stopping along the trail – If you stop along the trail to chat or enjoy the view, please move to the side, off of the trail surface. Look both ways before stepping out into the lane of traffic or moving to other side. Do not leave your bicycle parked or lying on the trail surface.
Bridges – When stopping on a bridge to enjoy the view, stay to one side so that the bridge is clear for passage by bicycles and other trail users. Look both ways before stepping out into the lane of traffic or moving to other side. Never park or lay your bicycle on a bridge.
Gates – Do not stop in or block the gate opening. Pass through the gate opening without hesitation and step to the side or move forward so others from behind or oncoming can safely pass through the gate after you. If you stop at the gate to await your companions, stay to the side, away from the gate opening. Never park or lay your bicycle in or near a gate opening.
Children – All trail users regardless of age should know and follow the rules of courtesy and safety. Parents and adults are responsible for making sure children know and are reminded of the rules.
Helmets – Wearing a helmet is recommended for all bicycle riders to prevent or reduce the severity of head injury in the event of an accident. Children, 12 years old and under, are required by Pennsylvania state law to wear a helmet while riding on the trail or any other public roadway. Parents are responsible for assuring their children are properly wearing a bicycle helmet.
Dogs – Dogs are required to be on a leash and under the control of the person walking them on the trail. An unleashed dog is unpredictable and is a danger to bicycle riders and itself if it should dart or wander into the path of a bicycle rider. Loose dogs, even the usually most pleasant, can be frightening to children and other trail users.
Horses – Horses are NOT permitted on the trail or even on the sides.
Dog waste – Deposits of dog waste on the trail surface are very unpleasant. If you bring a dog on the trail, please clean up after it.
Electronic Monitoring BFCT may use electronic devices such as cameras to monitor the trail for illegal activity and ensure the trail is used for its intended purpose as a non-motorized Bike, pedestrian path. No audio is monitored. Photos will only be used to prosecute for illegal activity.
EBike Policy – Use of e-bikes (or electric assist bicycles) on the Butler Freeport Community Trail
The Butler Freeport Community Trail Council suggests that Buffalo Township authorize the use of electric assist bicycles, commonly known as e-bikes, on the Butler Freeport Community Trail subject to the same rules, regulations, ordinances and laws as apply to bicycles.
The Trail Council suggests the following policy be enacted:
A person, aged 16 years and over, may operate an electric assist bicycle (commonly called an “e-bike”) on the Butler Freeport Community Trail if such electric assist bicycle meets the definition of a “pedalcycle with electric assist” as set forth in Title 75, Chapter 35 of the Pennsylvania Code (75 Pa Code § 102). Operation of a pedalcycle with electric assist shall be governed by the same rules, regulations, ordinances and laws as apply to the operation of a bicycle (pedalcycle) on the Butler Freeport Community Trail.
The Pennsylvania Code defines a “pedalcycle with electric assist” as follows: A vehicle weighing not more than 100 pounds with two or three wheels more than 11 inches in diameter, manufactured or assembled with an electric motor system rated at not more than 750 watts and equipped with operable pedals and capable of a speed not more than 15 miles per hour on a level surface when powered by the motor source only. This term does not include a device specifically designed for use by persons with disabilities.
No electric scooters, as they are not pedal assist, inclusive of One Wheel.
Note: 75 Pa Code §3514 imposes the age restriction.
Passed by the Buffalo Township Board of Supervisors on March 14, 2018
Contributed by Debbie Swettenam, Member Butler Freeport Community Trail Council