Community Asset
The trail offers a safe, quiet, peaceful, green, asphalt-free place for daily walking, jogging, health-enhancing physical activity, and simply strolling. Benches or picnic tables are placed at regular intervals in scenic locations. Restroom facilities are available seasonally from May to October. During weekdays, one will find mothers with young children, groups of retired folks, and local children enjoying the trail. Evenings bring out local families. Weekends add bicyclist from wide and far. Boy Scouts have benefited the Trail through Eagle Scout Projects, including the recent addition of rain shelters for those caught between trailheads. Church groups have used the trail for Crop Walks, a walkathon to benefit charities addressing hunger worldwide and in the USA. School organizations have used the trail for fund-raising 5 K races. The Sierra Club, Venture Outdoors, the Butler Outdoors Club and other groups have sponsored activities on the Trail.