Effective March 27, 2020
- Posted On March 29, 2020
- By Chris Ziegler
- In Featured
Under the order, residents may leave their residents only for the following reasons: “Engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or running (if they maintain social distancing)”.
I have always been proud that this Facebook page, everyone has always been respectful of each others opinion. This is not the place to argue, this is the place to say what an awesome regional asset we have in our area, the natural beauty, the birds, flowers, etc. May I suggest if seeing others engaging in an allowable activity upsets you, please leave the group (because it is something you cannot control), and come back after. Do what is best for you. Remember folks there will be an after. And we welcome you back with no judgement.
My heart is very heavy with the thoughts of hitting “post” to the page.